Mom's Hand
We are committed to Love

Mom's Hand

By: Kris Gold

When I picture my mom’s hands, what do I see?  I see hands that took care of me when I needed it the most.  I see hands that worked to make our house a home that was comfortable and safe.  And I see her diamond engagement ring that she treasured and wore every day. 

I picture my father carefully choosing a ring that would look beautiful on her lovely hands.  I picture him presenting the ring to her with hope in his eyes.  And I picture her joyfully accepting this gift of his love.

Now that mom is gone, I treasure her engagement ring and the memory of her hand wearing that ring that was exactly her style. 

But, it is not my style.  I have tried it on my fingers.  I have tried to love it for me.  But I don’t.  So it has stayed in a box.  For years.  Until now.

With several years of separation from the heartbreak, I am now ready to love her diamond in a new way.  I am ready to honor her memory in a beautiful new piece of jewelry that will bring me joy whenever I wear it.  I just don’t know what is possible.  Fortunately, I know someone who does.

Meet Tara Goodman, in-house goldsmith at Henry Wilson Jewelers in Central New York.  It is so difficult to trust someone with something as valuable as your mother’s diamond.  Tara knows how many feelings and memories are tied up in our family heirloom jewelry.  And she takes her responsibility very seriously.  In addition, Tara has an amazing eye as a designer and exceptional skill creating custom jewelry.

So here I go.  I shall turn over mom’s diamond to Tara and give it new life.  I shall have courage and trust in her expertise.  And I shall turn a ring that reminds me what I have lost, into a pendant that will forever remind me how lucky I was to have my mom for 54 years of my life.  It will be a joyful pendant that honors my mom.

Think about what is in your jewelry box that could have a joyful, new life.  And let it out of the box.  It is time.